Official Blog of The Corvus Circle

Fluorite | What the Cat Told the Raven

Crystal Meditations: Fluorite

If you’ve read my post, Trust Your Crystals, you know I love nurturing your intuitive connection with your crystals. I believe connecting with them on a personal level, outside of the definitions of books, is the best way to deeply blend your energies and discover what your relationship together really is.

I learned during my crystal healing course that meditating with crystals was the best way to “get to know” them, and understand why your paths may have crossed. It’s a practice that I love, and still highly recommend to my clients and friends.

In this post, I’m going to share my first experience meditating with a crystal. It’s taken directly from my journal entries during my crystal healing course. We were specifically instructed to choose a crystal we felt drawn to but knew nothing about; not having a previously defined list of attributes was key to an authentic connection. We would then take a look at our books after we’d completed our few days of meditation and see what may have come up differently for us than the books suggested. It was okay if we got different answers; the point was to understand our crystal’s relationship to us, not the whole world.

Reading these entries again, coincidentally from 9 years ago this week, I have such love for the woman who wrote them, taking her first fumbling baby steps into becoming a crystal healer. Unfortunately, the course I took no longer exists. But its lessons have stayed with me, and 9 years ago they shifted how I saw the world around me. I hope these entries inspire you to cozy up to your own crystals, and learn what secrets they may have for you.

October 5th, 2015 – 9:40 am

I was reading a book on natural psychic abilities when I suddenly felt a strong need to do my crystal meditation. I’ve known since the start of the course that I wanted to work with this piece of fluorite. I bought it while shopping for supplies for this class. I had picked it up because of its beautiful colouration, and the immediate tingling response from my left hand meant the crystal was coming home with me.

When my sudden urge to do my crystal meditation came to me, I immediately thought of the beautiful rough fluorite and after a moment my left palm began to tingle undeniably, almost as if it were encouraging me. So I put my book aside, reviewed the homework guidelines, and got comfortable with the crystal.

Sitting cross-legged in an old armchair of my grandparents’ (who have both passed), I held the fluorite in my left hand and took several breaths in an attempt to relax. I have difficulty clearing my mind, but I did my best to think of nothing, and feel the crystal in my hand.

After a few moments, I held the fluorite against my heart chakra, to see if there would be any response. There was a noticeable tingling warmth, but I knew intuitively that while the response was positive, it was gentler than it may be elsewhere. So I then held the fluorite to my third eye chakra. The tingling sensation was different here so I kept it there for the remainder of the meditation, eventually resting my head back so the crystal stayed in place, and resting my hands palms-up on my knees.

The sensation was…new, and beautiful. The tingling continued, and I tried to visualize the radiating energy between the fluorite and my third eye chakra, without being too controlling or forceful of it. There were no clear thoughts or visions or messages, but the sensations were so lovely. I saw the colours of the fluorite in my mind’s eye: the aquas, the blues, indigo & violet. It was calming but exciting. By being a conduit and not a controller, I knew the sensations would pass through freely and the experience would be true, and better.

I was wrapped up in the flow of the colours, and the tingling sensation against the crystal felt open and right, as though my third eye was welcoming it, happily.

I stayed this way, letting the sensations flow freely until my timer went off. I stayed a few more moments before gently removing the fluorite and deciding not to use the timer next time.

All I can really say from this introductory meditation, is that my first experience with this crystal was just lovely.


October 10th, 2015 – 9:54 am

So clearly I’ve already messed up by missing so many days, but since it appears I’ll have the entire long weekend to myself, I’m excited to start fresh with my daily crystal meditations.

I picked up my piece of fluorite today and felt my familiar subtle tingling in my left hand. But when I asked internally whether the crystal would like to meditate with me today (not entirely sure why I asked, but it felt right to do so), the tingling stopped. This was both alarming and exciting. Alarming because I wonder why the crystal is pulling back, but exciting because the crystal is responding very clearly.

I decided I must not be in the right frame of mind (as I’ve a lot on the brain this morning), so I slowed myself down. I sat cross-legged in my armchair with the crystal in my left hand, closed my eyes, and tried to breathe deeply. I made an effort to relax and clear my mind, and slowly the tingling sensation came back and gradually grew stronger. Thinking of it now, my left palm is tingling, though the crystal is sat atop my left knee at the moment.

I’m going to continue to put myself in a calmer frame of mind and perhaps spend today spreading my spiritual wings and nourishing that very important part of my relationship with myself.

I’ll journal my experience afterward.

12:20 pm

I’ve just finished my meditation. I went with my instincts and what felt right to me, and I cleaned my area, cleaned myself, then laid out a blanket on the floor. I smudged the space and myself, and asked the spirits of the north, south, east and west to help me and guide me, as well as Earth Mother and Sky Father. I lit my working candle and called upon my own energy to aid me, and I lit some of my favourite incense, meant for spiritual guidance. I doused myself with the smoke and thanked the powers of air and fire for being with me.

I laid on the blanket, and after a few minutes of yoga stretches for my back, I finally got comfortable and proceeded to enter a meditative state. I focused on my breathing and relaxed each part of my body, feeling myself going deeper and deeper.

I struggled throughout the meditation to not let my mind wander, but when I felt comfortable, putting myself in a place separate from the world around me, I grasped my piece of fluorite and asked again if it would like to meditate with me.

This time the response was immediate and my palm tingled wonderfully. I focused on the fluorite, imagining all of its beautiful colours. I felt that I should try placing the crystal over my heart chakra again, although a part of me knew the connection would come again from my third eye.

My heart centre warmed slightly, and there was tingling where the crystal sat, but I still wasn’t feeling a strong connection between the two energies. I waited until my chest began to itch around the crystal, then I gently moved it to its place against my third eye chakra.

The connection was immediate. My forehead tingled at the contact and I felt myself relax more. It became easier to imagine I was elsewhere, though I still struggled to ignore the outside world. There weren’t many external distractions, but my mind continued to wander.

I focused on the fluorite’s energy, and its connection to the energies of my third eye chakra, and in my mind’s eye I saw the beautiful green of the fluorite, and sometimes a little of the violet. When my mind wandered, I would bring myself back by reminding myself that I was in a safe, protected place, and that I knew this because I had cast the air of protection myself. My mind raced through thoughts of my smudging, and lighting my working candle, and asking the spirits for guidance. I reminded myself again that I had cast protective energies myself and as I breathed deeply, I caught the scent of the incense from my altar in the other room. My sacred space. And I had made a sacred space here, so I could travel peacefully between the worlds and learn what the crystal’s energies had to teach me.

In this moment I felt powerful and the fluorite’s energies tingled wonderfully against my skin. I’d been trying to understand what lesson the crystal had for me when I suddenly realized this was it. The crystal’s energies felt strongest when I reminded myself of my own power.

After twenty minutes of meditation I truly felt that the message my piece of fluorite had for me was, “get back to your magick”. I need to nurture my spiritual relationship and believe in the power within myself that is always there, always present. I will become stronger in the other areas of my life if I let the magick inside of me guide me and teach me the important lessons about myself that will change the way I see the world, and thus change the world around me.

Get back to my magick.

The thought makes my heart sing. Thank you for your crystal blessings, Fluorite. I cannot wait to learn from you again.


October 11th, 2015 – 9:37 pm

I’ve just had a small meditation with my fluorite crystal again. I didn’t smudge or light anything this time. I felt called to do a small yet intimate meditation tonight. What I mean by that is I knew it would be small and quick, but I knew it would be an intimate experience for me anyway. If that makes sense.

I sat cross-legged in my armchair and held my fluorite in my left hand, closed my eyes, and breathed gently, relaxing my body and mind. I still struggle with concentrating without getting distracted, and I believe this to be why I have better luck with guided meditations, but since these sessions are supposed to build my relationship with the specific crystal, I don’t want anything influencing the natural energies and messages.

I sat for a few minutes, trying to keep my mind clear while focusing on the crystal. The tingling in my hand was gentle. I felt that I should place it against my heart chakra, but unlike the other times, I somehow knew this would be different. And it was.

The tingling sensation was very gentle, but it was there. It felt right, so I held the fluorite against my heart chakra for the remainder of the meditation. I saw the purples and violets this time, in my mind’s eye. Wherever I was in my mind, it was almost as though the colours swirled around me like a focused wind. I felt the place inside me that finds home in the world of Spirit, the force that connects all things. Much like my message to return to my witchcraft roots, this message of trusting my heart to understand the answers I need was like another clear call to my spiritual self. Get back to my magick and listen with my heart. I have all that I need as long as I trust my own power.

These meditations with my fluorite crystal always bring an aura of peace to me. I look forward to the next one.


October 12th, 2015 – 3:25 pm

Today I was standing in the middle of my apartment after my shower, wondering what to do next, when I felt a sudden urge to do my fluorite meditation. I left the bathroom fan running, thinking the white noise may help me concentrate, and it did. I only meditated a few moments, but they were incredible.

I sat cross-legged in my armchair, and momentarily held the fluorite against my heart chakra, as the humming of that area had been my inspiration to meditate in the first place. I then sat with my hands palms-up on my knees, the left holding the crystal, my eyes closed. I asked the fluorite if it would like to meditate with me and a gentle warmness spread up my arm in encouragement. For some reason I thought of rose water. I saw magenta this time, in a warm, gentle swirl of energy around me. Calming me. I allowed myself to be swept away by the colours and sensations. It was lovely.

I saw violet briefly, then the magickal swirls of indigo. A little dark blue. I felt as though my lessons from the crystal were beginning to coalesce. And yet just as I thought the crystal was teaching me to be myself again, I heard Lestat’s voice:

“None of us ever really changes over time. We simply become more fully what we are.”

I believe I am becoming more fully what I am. These are important lessons and now must be the time that I need them.

Towards the end of the meditation I saw all of the colours of my beautiful fluorite crystal swirling together, like light, or smoke.

This helped me believe my lessons were coming together. And then I felt when I was done for today.


October 18th, 2015 – 11:06 am

Rereading the lessons from my fluorite crystal has brought back a few tingly sensations. I remember all the colours and the wonderful feelings of peace that followed each meditation. I meditated with the crystal four times, thought only three were consecutive. I still think I learned important lessons and received powerful messages from my crystal. I am certain that I will meditate with this fluorite crystal again in the future. My relationship with it has begun and I truly hope it only grows brighter.

I’m now going to study the fluorite crystal’s properties and meanings in my books and compare them to the experiences I had. I purposely did not do this beforehand, so as to not influence the messages I received. I’m very curious to see what I find.


From my books, this is what I found Fluorite to traditionally associate with:

Mental enhancement & clarity; improved decision making; clearing the energy fields; balancing the third eye chakra & mental energies in general; gives form & structure to energies, ideas & concepts and helping them to manifest in three-dimensional reality; helps scattered & discordant energies become cohesive & harmonic; the power of thought, focus & concentration; assists in clearing away mental fog; acts to quiet worried thoughts & anxiety caused by fear of the future; helps select a direction, commit to action & plan the steps needed to walk one’s chosen path; structures one’s energies to accomplish one’s goals & dreams; lends access to the higher levels of one’s energy field & can assist healers & Lightworkers in shifting energy at these levels; all colours of fluorite affect the mental body, brain & energetic levels of being; pink & green fluorites harmonize the heart with the mind; purple fluorite enhances mental faculties; blue is especially good for opening the third eye & ensuring psychic clarity & accuracy; black is especially cleansing for negative thought patterns, entity attachments, nightmares & mental imbalances; multicoloured fluorite can assist in organizing energies on many levels of the body, mind & spirit; fluorite helps one attune to higher guidance during meditation & will tend to produce meditations with rich visions & insights; ideal for strengthening one’s ability to receive psychic information from energy fields & can enhance one’s capacity for interpreting such information; aids in “thinking through” one’s feelings when one is overwhelmed by emotional experience; assists in balancing brain chemistry, enhancing learning & memorization abilities, and stimulating the brain.

9 years ago this week, I meditated with a crystal for the first time. It was beautiful to read those visions again, and to see how my practices of Craft and Yoga each played their own part in supporting my new journey at the time. I loved reading about my desire to reconnect with my magick, and trust in my own power; a message I still need reminding of to this day.

As you can see from the list of attributes I obtained following my meditations, the connections I had with my fluorite were pretty bang-on, especially considering I had no idea what its traditional properties were. Even if my experience had been wildly different from what my books suggested, I would still treasure those lessons Fluorite taught me. And the fact that they were so on point only amplified my experience and confirmed what had been brought to me.

I lost many of my favourite crystals in a fire a couple of years ago, but I still have that little fluorite. It has a special place on my altar, and reminds me still to never forget the gifts of magick, and never stop wondering at the world.

Thank you for reading this far. I appreciate your presence & your time. I hope these journal entries from a young crystal student inspired you to connect with one of your own crystals on a deeper level. Because like I’ve said in the past, meditating with crystals is about much more than understanding its properties and what it can “do for you”.  Because what it is going to do for you, is show you how amazing & complex you are, and what incredible things you can come to realize about yourself & your world that will deeply resonate with you.

Wishing you magick (and the ability to see it),


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