Your worth is in your hands alone, babe. Stream of consciousness outpouring from the soul. Riffing from a place of love. It’s all here for it.
You are more than enough. Let’s get that out of the way. You are beyond enough, beyond capable, beyond ready, beyond the crushing cage of expectation.
The biggest mistake we make (among many) is putting the decision of our worth into the hands of someone else. Giving the power to determine your value to someone who will never, ever, under any circumstances, know what it is like to be you. To experience what you’ve experienced. To see what you’ve seen. To feel what you’ve felt. To witness the struggles, the decisions, the life-altering thresholds of change that forced you to go deep and know yourself on levels you had never visited, in ways you had never imagined. They cannot see through your eyes, nor feel through your heart. They will never know, no matter how much you pour yourself at their feet, what it is that you have seen & been.
And yet . . . you give it all to them anyway. Your power, your autonomy, your authority, your sovereignty. For what? Validation? Approval? A fantasy of vindication that will never come? How did we get here? Where did we learn this?
Somewhere along the early days of our path, we recognized the comfort of positive reinforcement and praise. We didn’t realise the comfort was false. We didn’t realise the measure of praise wasn’t the measure of our worth. Maybe we learned it in school, in a system that was designed to teach obedience and conformity behind a presentation of dusty facts. A system designed to raise workers. Defiance equaled punishment. And the defiance umbrella was broad. The power of subconscious behavioural training. Sometimes we learn so quietly, so subtly, that we don’t even realise it until we’re in it. Until that first time we submit and it hits differently; we pause. We blink. We realise how easily the behaviour came to us. And we wonder if it’s been there all along. We wonder how we didn’t see it.
Seeds are seeds. And sometimes seeds grow no matter what they’re watered with.
Regardless where we learned it, regardless how it showed up, we can change.
We can change.
We can witness, we can choose, we can unlearn. We can recognize, acknowledge, and redirect. We can learn what is Us, and what is the voice of another embedded in our skin. We can light up what isn’t our Truth and shed it from us, never to cloak us again. We can get rid of everything until all that is left is Truth. We can shed it all and start fresh. We can begin again.
You can begin again.
You just have to remember.
You are enough. You are whole. You are a divine being. You are Spirit made manifest. You are a Soul within a body, having a human experience so that you can learn love from a different point of view.
You deserve love. You deserve compassion. You deserve to feel seen. You are worthy of peace. You are so much more than you think you are. You are capable of more than you let yourself believe. Everything you will ever need, everything you have ever needed, you carry within you at all times. It is all inside you. You struggle to hear because of all the noise, all the voices, all the narratives, the conditioning and rules and restrictions. But it’s there. You are in there. Spirit is in there. The Divine is in there. Just listen. Listen close. Listen deep.
The reality you have manifested is yours. Paint it at will. If it doesn’t feel good, learn why. Go deep. Go big. Your essence reaches beyond your skin & bones. You are not here to submit, and no one is coming to save you. You are here to stand in your power and know that destiny is what you decide. Because that is where power truly lies: in your choice. It all begins with your power to choose.
Choose life. Choose beauty. Choose music. Choose magick. Choose love and compassion and forgiveness. Choose peace and wild and liberation and sleep. Choose quiet. Choose rage. Choose moments. Choose all of this . . . for you. Above all, for all, choose You.
Choose yourself. Own your story. Meet yourself exactly where you are, with radical compassion for all it took to get you here. Learn yourself. Witness yourself. Know yourself. Forgive yourself. Love yourself.
You are not in this alone and you never have been. You are a part of the Whole. And you always have been. You are connected to All, to Divinity, however Divinity manifests for you in this experience.
And you have You.
We often forget that the person who knows us best, because they’ve been with us every second, experiencing each moment with us, is ourselves.
Look into your own eyes. In a mirror, or reflected in a piece of glass, a window, water. A photo of the child you once were, who you carry inside. Anywhere. Seek out yourself and witness who is there. You have been with you from the beginning.
Every breath, every vision, every cry, every laugh, every win, every loss, every surprise, every heartache, every cheer, every scream, every first time, every last time, every touch, every road, every tree, every sky, every memory, every word, every moan, every moment. Everything. All of it. All of you.
You have been there.
You have borne witness.
You have felt it all.
So, the only person who knows what it is like to be you, to experience what you’ve experienced, to see what you’ve seen, to feel what you’ve felt, to witness the struggles, the decisions, the life-altering thresholds of change that forced you to go deep and know yourself on levels you had never visited, in ways you had never imagined . . . The only person who has seen through your eyes, felt through your heart, who knows all that you have seen & been . . . The only person who knows how strong you really are . . . The only person who knows what your worth really is . . .
. . . is You.
I love you.
Go fucking love yourself. You’re worth it. I promise.